











—— 《困境与出路: 基于人口出生率波动的中国高等教育转型发展研究》评介


教育作为一种培养人的社会实践活动,其对象和主体都是人。“”人是高等教育的中心,一切高等教育都是为了人,为了人更好的发展”。随着我国人口从 “高生育率、高自然增长率、 高死亡率”向“低出生率、低自然增长率、低死亡率” 转变,人口出生率总体呈现下降的趋势。尤其是近年来人口出生率更是大幅度下降,2022年人口出生率已经降至6.77 ,人口自然增长率已出现负增长(2022年为-0.60%)。与此同时,我国高等教育毛入学率已从1999年扩招之初的10.5%提高到2022年的59.6%,在校生总规模达4655万人,中国已迈入高等教育普及化阶段。教育与人口之间的矛盾开始由过去集中于基础教育阶段扩展到了高等教育阶段。然而,一个突出问题是高等教育适龄人口数将持续走低, 由此带来高等教育的生源困境, 并衍生出高等教育发展目标、 发展方式等诸多重大问题的重新思考与抉择。









李卯 刘立德:中国特色教育学教材研究:历程、 议题、特征及展望 













张更立 任丽晓:超越与融合:生成儿童教育论的衍生逻辑及其启示


任何形态的儿童教育都基于一定的儿童认识和价值选择。基于新质理念的生成儿童教育论既是现代教育的价值选择,也是对历史发展中的系列儿童教育观的批判、继承与创造性发展。就教育的实质而言,生成儿童教育论认为儿童是有着自然天性和内在规律的积极主动的“能在”,教育是儿童在适宜条件支持下按照自己的节奏和张力创生自我的过程; 就教育的形式而言,缘于儿童发展具有连续性和非连续性相统一的特点,生成儿童教育论主张连续性与非连续性教育形式的结构性融合,认为二者是儿童健康发展不可或缺的条件与保障。据此,当下的儿童教育要践行新质理念,落实“双减”政策,发挥其“成人”功能,应当坚守积极的人学立场、保持完整的教育形式和创构适宜的儿童表达活动。






生命的成长与教育的时间性紧密相联,教育的时间性意味着生命的成长是一个完整持续的过程。由此,建基于生命成长的教育高质量发展,不仅指向“结果性”的“成才”,还需走向完整性、过程性的内在“成人”。在此意义上,个体同时存在于三重时间之中: 物理时间的先在性作为个体成人的基本境遇; 生命时间的体验性作为个体成人的内在依据; 历史时间的延续性作为个体成人的价值方向。关注“完整时间”的个体成人,深刻展现了教育高质量发展的生命之维。为此,以时间意识养成为中心的个体成人,需要引导个体激活与万物的关系,以此深刻感知自己在现实中的位序; 在顺应节奏的过程中,以生命成长的体验性引导内在意识的完善; 在融入整体中,形成内在秩序以寻求价值性的生成。总之,个体成人是在现实的整体性生活中,培养“关系-节奏-秩序”相统一的完整的时间意识。这为反思当下的教育高质量发展,提供了来自“时间”意义上的启示。









Qingsong Sang ,Qi Kang Kun Zhang ,Shouli Shu and Lijuan QuanThe Effect of Just-World Beliefs on Cyberaggression: A Moderated Mediation Model

behavioral sciences2023

To examine the relationship among just-world beliefs, self-control, and cyberaggression among college students. A total of 1133 college students were surveyed using the just-world belief scale, self-control scale, and cyberaggression scale. The results showed that college students with low levels of belief in justice frequently showed cyberaggression; belief in a just world directly and negatively predicted cyberaggression, and indirectly predicted student cyberaggression through self-control; gender moderated the indirect effect of self-control on cyberaggression and the direct effect of belief in a just world on cyberaggression. Belief in a just world signifificantly and negatively predicts cyberaggression; self-control has an indirect signifificant effect on cyberaggression; the direct effect of belief in a just world on cyberaggression and the mediating effect of self-control on this association are moderated by gender.



Jiantao Han , Yuwei Wang, Junni Qian, Menghua ShiDelving into the role of creativity on meaning in life:

A multiple mediation model


How to enhance the sense of meaning in life is a topic deserving of extensive research. The impact of creativity on finding meaning in life, however, has not been thoroughly explored in empirical research. This paper studies the relationship between creativity and meaning in life, and the cognitive and emotional factors underlying this relationship. The participants of this study were 359 Chinese college students (38 males and 321 females; aged from 17 to 41 years) in learning English as a foreign language (EFL). Four instruments were utilized in the survey, namely, the Kaufman Domains of Creativity Scale (K-DOCS), the Positive Affect Scale, the General SelfEfficacy Scale (GSES), and the Meaning in Life Questionnaire (MLQ). The correlation analysis shows that creativity, positive affect, general self-efficacy, and meaning in life are all positively correlated.


Allen Thurston , Gloria Lucia Bernal , Luz Karime Abadí Alvarado , Maria Cockerill ,Alison MacKenzie ,Joanne O’Keeffe ,Juan Manuel Garcia Ospina , Pelusa Orellana ,Tien-Hui Chiang:Results from a Phase 2 exploratory trial of Paired Reading in Spanish language in Colombia

International Journal of Educational Research Open2023

There is good evidence that peer tutoring, when used in a structured manner can lead to attainment gains in English reading. Transferability of the technique to other languages and educational contexts are less well studied. This paper reports results from a Phase 2 exploratory trial designed to establish if peer tutoring, in the form of Paired Reading, could transfer to the Colombian education system, and into the Spanish language. A randomised trial was conducted in four Colombian elementary schools with eight classes, and 298 third and fifth grade pupils. Results indicated that Paired Reading could be an effective, low-cost strategy for improving reading. Positive results for the Paired Reading group, compared to the control group, were observed (Effect Size +0.16).



Gengli Zhang , Yantong Zhu: Conceptualizing Callous-Unemotional Traits in Chinese

Preschoolers: Factor Structure and Measurement Invariance


With the increasing use of the Inventory of Callous Unemotional Traits (ICU) to examine callous-unemotional traits, few studies have explicitly tested the most appropriate ICU factor structures and measurement invariance in Chinese children at preschool age. This study was conducted with a large community sample of 2055 Chinese preschoolers (53.6% male, M age = 62.23 months,SD = 9.91) to test the most appropriate model of ICU and the measurement invariance across parent gender, child gender, as well as age. The confirmatory factor model suggested that the two-factor model with 11 items (ICU-11) is the best-fitting model for a Chinese preschool sample, which includes a callousness and an unemotional factor. The results from measurement invariance revealed that the factor structures were invariant across child gender, as well as child age and parental gender. The finding suggested that the ICU-11 may be a useful tool for evaluating CU traits in Chinese preschoolers.


Bihua Zhao , Junqiao Guo , Qingqing He , Linlin Jiang , Wenxin Hu : School Bullying Victimization Types of Primary School Students and Associations with School Adaptation: a Latent Profle Analysis

Child Indicators Research2023

Previous studies have found that diferent types of bullying have diferent efects on individuals. However, few studies have investigated the types of bullying victimization among primary school students using latent profle analysis (LPA), and considered both the frequency and form of bullying victimization when naming these types. There is a signifcant diference in sex and grade for victimization types. Specifcally, the risk of being often threatenedand always bullied in all formstypes is higher for males than for females. Grade 4 students are at higher risk of being often oppressed, often threatened, and always bullied in all formstypes than Grade 6. Students with diferent types of victimization show signifcant diferences in school adaptation. Students in bullying victimization are more likely to experience lower school belonging and prosocial behavior, and higher aggressive behavior and withdrawal behavior.


Shuanghu FangThe relationship between stressful life events and school engagement for junior high school students in China: A serial mediation model

School Psychology Internationa2023

The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between stressful life events (SLE) and school engagement and to determine if there are some likely mediating variables between them. A sample of 1517 Chinese junior high school students (51.5%female) completed the adolescent self-rating life events checklist (ASLEC), Utrecht Work Engagement Scale-student (UWES-s), cognitive fusion questionnaire (CFQ), and positive psychological capital questionnaire (PPQ). The model was calculated using the PROCESS macro in SPSS. The serial mediator model revealed a significant negative effect of SLE on school engagement through psychological flexibility and psychological capital (effect =−.08, 95% CI [−.10, −.06]). There was also a direct mediating effect through psychological capital (effect =−.17, 95% CI [−.21, −.13]).


Shuanghu Fang, Dongyan DingThe differences between acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) and cognitive behavioral therapy: A three-level meta-analysis

Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science2023年第28

The extant meta-analyses that specifically focus on the differences between ACT and tCBT were published more than ten years ago. They had some methodological shortcomings (i.e., for the same outcome variable, only one primary effect size was included) and were not broad enough to consider factors such as moderating variables, follow-up changes, and dropout rates. Thus, it could not draw accurate and specific conclusions. Learning about the possible differences between tCBT and ACT can identify the more efficient intervention for individuals based on their characteristics and the moderators that may impact the intervention’s efficacy and the dropout rate. In this way, treatment effectiveness can be maximized with limited resources. It can also facilitate a better comprehension of the two therapies and promote their further evolution or integration toward process-based therapy.


Shuanghu Fang and Mingjie HuangRelationship between Moral Elevation and Prosocial Behavior among College Students: The Mediating Role of Perceived Social Support and Moderating Role of Moral Identity

lnternational Journal of Mental Health Promotion2023

The present study examined the relationship between college students’ moral elevation and prosocial behavior. As well as the mediating role of perceived social support and the moderating role of moral identity. As part of the data analysis, we used correlation analysis and the method of constructing latent variable structural equation model to explore the mechanism of action among variables. Results: After controlling for gender, discipline, the research found that: (1) Moral elevation positively predicted the prosocial behavior among the college students; (2) Perceived social support mediated the relationship between moral elevation and prosocial behavior; (3) Moral identity moderated the second half of the model (i.e., the link between perceived social support and prosocial behavior).


Jing Wang, Shuanghu Fang, Chunying Yang, Xiaobin Tang, Luosha Zhu, Yu NieThe Relationship Between Psychological Flexibility and Depression, Anxiety and Stress: A Latent Profile Analysis

Psychology Research and Behavior Management2023

To explore the potential classification of psychological flexibility (PF) among Chinese college students, analyze whether there is group heterogeneity in PF, and discuss the differences in the latent profile of PF in the negative emotions of depression, anxiety, and stress.A total of 1769 college students were investigated using the Psychological Flexibility Questionnaire and DepressionAnxiety-Stress Self-rating Scale, and heterogeneity was tested by latent profile analysis.The PF of college students can be divided into three latent profiles: self-contradiction group (19.2%), high PF group (34.1%), and low PF group (46.7%). The scores of depression, anxiety, and stress are significantly different among the groups.



Jing Wang and Shuanghu Fang:Effects of Internet-Based Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (IACT) on Adolescents: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

lnternational Journal of Mental Health Promotion2023

This study reviewed published randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and evaluated the efficacy of internet-based acceptance and commitment therapy (IACT) on adolescent mental health. Searches were conducted in PubMed, ProQuest, APA (PsycNET/PsycINFO), and Web of Science from inception to January 2022 to identify RCTs evaluating the effects of IACT on adolescents. Compared to adolescents in control groups, those in the IACT groups showed some improvement in the efficacy of depression symptoms (SMD = −0.24, 95% CI = [−0.44, −0.05], p = 0.01) and had a small but significant effect on reducing experiential avoidance (SMD = −0.24, 95% CI = [−0.46, −0.01], p = 0.04). However, the effect size on anxiety did not reach the threshold (SMD = −0.18, 95% CI = [−0.27, −0.09], p < 0.0001).


Jian Jin, Siyun Liu: Shifts in Narrative Perspectives Consume Attentional Resources and Facilitate Reading Engagement

Scientific Studies of Reading2023

The use of attentional resources is an important cognitive indicator of reading engagement but it is unknown how this is influenced by linguistic cues. We designed two experiments to investigate whether shifts in narrative perspectives occupy more of the attention of readers and engage them more in the text. Experiment 1 employed a dual-task paradigm to explore how shifts in narrative perspective influence the attention that readers allocate to the text. Experiment 2 used the same methods but replaced sentences with whole chapters to examine the effects of shifted perspectives on readers’ ability to allocate attention and engage in reading. Experiment 1 found that shifts in perspective delayed the participants’ responses to the tones. Experiment 2 found that perspective shifts enhanced the participants’ self-reported attentional focus and overall reading engagement. The results of Experiment 1 were not replicated by Experiment 2 but both experiments found that attentional engagement was deeper at the initial than the later stage of reading.


Chun Xia, Jia Xu and Xiuzhen DingAlienation from medical care policy, medical care avoidance, and the role of sex and risk perception

BMC Psychiatry2023

Background Medical care avoidance affects individuals’ health status. Previous studies on medical care avoidance have mainly focused on medical costs and people’s satisfaction with medical services. This study investigates whether an individual’s sense of policy alienation toward medical care policy (SPA-M) affects behavioral intention of medical care avoidance, and to what extent an intermediary variable—medical financial risk perception–mediates the relationship between SPA-M and medical care avoidance. Methods A cross-sectional survey was conducted involving 434 people aged 35–59 years from Wuhu, a city in China’s Anhui province. A moderated mediation model was constructed to investigate the research question and sex (biological: male and female) was used as a moderating variable between SPA-M and medical financial risk perception.




Wen Xiao Juan HuA state-of-the-art survey of predicting students’ performance using artificial neural networks

Engineering Reports2023

Predicting students’ performance is one of the most important issue in educational data mining. In order to investigate the state-of-the-art research development in predicting students’ performance by using artificial neural networks (ANN), we conducted a survey on 39 important studies on this issue from 2016 to 2021. The results show that: (1) objectives of most prediction model is the performance of learners on the program and course; (2) datasets used for training prediction model are collected from logs of the learning management system; (3) the most commonly used ANN is feedforward neural network; (4) researchers use stochastic gradient descent and Adam algorithm to optimizes the parameters in ANN and configure hyper parameters of ANN manually; (5) feature selection is not necessary because ANN can automatically adjust the weights of artificial neurons; and (6) ANN has better performance than the classical classifiers in predicting student performance.



Yuqian Jiang, Lu Lin and Ronghua Hu: Parental phubbing and academic burnout in adolescents: the role of social anxiety and self-control

Frontiers in Psychology2023

Based on the limited resource model of self-control, we  construct a chain mediation model to examine the relationship between parental phubbing and adolescents’ academic burnout, and whether social anxiety and self-control play a mediating role in it. We used 4 questionnaires to investigate parental phubbing, social anxiety, self-control, and adolescents’ academic burnout among 828 high school students in Wuhu and Huangshan City, Anhui Province, China. The findings indicated that: (1) parental phubbing, social anxiety, and self-control all significantly predict adolescents’ academic burnout directly and (2) parental phubbing could indirectly influence adolescents’ academic burnout through three pathways: the separate mediating effect of social anxiety and self-control, and the chain mediating effect on both. The results of this study help parents understand how their phubbing actions affect adolescents’ academic burnout and the mechanism of action.




Fan Meng , Bin Xuan: Reliability and validity of the Chinese version of the Comprehensive Autistic Trait Inventory-short form (CATI-SF-C) in the general population

Asian Journal of Psychiatry2023

The current study aims to provide psychometric analyses of a shortened version of the Comprehensive Autistic Trait Inventory (CATI) from three different samples administered to 4910 Chinese populations (56.864 % females, mean age 19.857 ± 4.083) aged 14–56. The factor structure of CATI in Chinese was examined by confirmatory factor analysis and exploratory structural equation modeling, and a 24-item Chinese version short form of CATI (CATI-SF-C) was developed. The validity (structure validity, convergent validity, and discriminant validity) and reliability (internal consistency and test-retest reliability) were evaluated, and the predictive ability for classifying autism was examined (Youden’s Index = 0.690). According to these findings, the CATI-SF-C is a reliable and valid autistic traits assessment tool for the general population.


Fan Meng , Bin XuanPsychometric Properties of the Chinese Version of the Comprehensive Autistic Trait Inventory

Psychology Research and Behavior Management2023

The Comprehensive Autistic Trait Inventory (CATI) was an appropriate assessment tool that included all the principal dimensions related to autism defined in DSM-5 for the general population. However, its validity and reliability in the general Chinese population still need to be examined. We revised the inventory and estimated the validity and reliability of the Chinese version of the CATI among 2232 general undergraduates. The Chinese version of the CATI (CATI-C) was administered to 2259 undergraduates using the online Questionnaires Star electronic system. Internal consistency, convergent validity, discriminant validity, test-retest reliability, and measurement invariance across gender were calculated. In order to determine the diagnostic accuracy and optimal cut-off score of the CATI-C, an analysis using the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) was performed. The CATI-C includes 35 items of two factors and six dimensions. CFA demonstrated that the fit index of the structure of the scale was good (Satorra-Bentler chi-square/degrees of freedom [S-Bχ2 /df] = 2.406, Standardized Root Mean Square Residual [SRMR] = 0.038, Root Mean Square Error of Approximation [RMSEA] = 0.037, Comparative Fit Index [CFI] = 0.929, Tucker-Lewis Index [TLI] = 0.917).




点击: 编辑:孟庆娟 预审:吴文涛 终审:许国飞 添加:孟庆娟 时间:2023-08-29